World leaders have issued a declaration policy against corruption during an anti-Corruption Summit in London.
The policy which is first of its kind was released on Thursday as the summit kick started. it has three major declarations which included; 1. Coruption should be exposed – ensuring there is nowhere to hide, 2. The corrupt should be pursued and punished and those who have suffered from corruption fully supported and 3. Corruption should be driven out – wherever it may exist:
The declaration reads;
Corruption is at the heart of so many of the world’s problems. We must overcome it, if our efforts to end poverty, promote prosperity and defeat terrorism and extremism are to succeed.
Today’s Summit has demonstrated the deep commitment of a significant number of countries, businesses and members of civil society to work together to tackle this scourge.
To do this we will build on and implement existing international agreements – but also go much further, making this a top priority at home and abroad and building capacity to tackle the problem.
We commit to expose corruption wherever it is found, to pursue and punish those who perpetrate, facilitate or are complicit in it, to support the communities who have suffered from it, and to ensure it does not fester in our government institutions, businesses and communities. We will fulfil our shared commitment to ‘substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms’.1
1. Corruption should be exposed – ensuring there is nowhere to hide:
By ending the misuse of anonymous companies to hide the proceeds of corruption.
By driving out those lawyers, real estate agents and accountants who facilitate or are complicit in corruption and denying the corrupt the use of legitimate business channels.
By increasing the transparency of government budgets, tax information and procurement to deter tax evasion and expose the theft or misuse of taxpayers’ money.
By driving out those lawyers, real estate agents and accountants who facilitate or are complicit in corruption and denying the corrupt the use of legitimate business channels.
By increasing the transparency of government budgets, tax information and procurement to deter tax evasion and expose the theft or misuse of taxpayers’ money.
By making it easier for people to report corruption without fear of reprisal.
2. The corrupt should be pursued and punished and those who have suffered from corruption fully supported:
By actively enforcing anti-corruption laws and working together to pursue the corrupt, prosecute and punish them.
By tracking down stolen assets and returning them safely to their legitimate owners.
By sending a clear message to the corrupt: there will be no impunity. We will restrict their ability to operate in our countries.
3. Corruption should be driven out – wherever it may exist:
By targeting entrenched corruption, linking up institutions and professions around the world to build capacity and foster a shared culture of integrity.
By ensuring transparency and governance in key areas including sport, extractives and the security sector.
By using innovation and new technologies to empower citizens to fight corruption.
By encouraging and supporting the international organisations to increase their focus on fighting corruption and to coordinate their work more effectively.
Source: greennews
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