The Lasuite, Awesu Olaniyi Williams, from the Faculty of Education has been awarded by NUESA (Nigerian Universities Education Students Association) as the "Best Orator" and "Brand Ambassador".
This portrays a good leadership skills, courage and a responsible personality.
The Ever vibrant&ever konigba student, wrote on facebook,
"Two night ago I was awarded two prestigious awards,NUESA Best Orator 2016 and NUESA Brand Ambassador 2016 awards..This as forced me to recognise that nowhere is my story pretty unlikely a struggling young student from the forgotten corners of Faculty of Education (LASU)becoming a Regional and National Debate Champion...Indeed every good story must have an end (2011- 2015),today with a deep sense of gratitude I understand the great service to remake the image of Lagos State University lies ahead,i have played my part and the untiring duty falls on emerging LASUITES to Rebrand the image of our great citadel of learning...To the glory of God we came,saw and conquered #LASUITESClass Of 2015#...#ProudlyLasuites#"
That's inspiring for the upcoming products of LASU, take to it

The Great Insititution, Lagos State University which has been badly labelled by several people attaching it to a school of thugs, cultists, unseriousness, is now seriously proving them wrong, Guess competitions like this should be held regularly, so as to publicise their excellence and for people to know what the great school is truly made of (as i recall, this is not the first time of such success, but thanks to the fast growing media nowadays, that brings them to the open).
Dear readers, as you read along, you may think I'm being sentimental, but NO, the school has long been misjudged. As we all know, Nigeria is a country that only understands the language of struggle before our leaders do the right thing, but our problem is, we lack one voice, we don't show concern so far you are not affected, that's why we are still where we are. You see Lasuites emerge in huge protests on the streets so as to be heard by the Government, but of course, after a peaceful protest would have taken place in the school premises. I must say, Lasuites only act when cheated upon, and don't stop until their goals are achieved. To me, that symbolizes a true citizen who knows his right (check Article 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998, that states and protects you from torture or an inhuman treament that leads to a severe mental or physical suffering), the increase in school fees from Twenty-five thousand naira to Two-fifty thousand naira, for example, outrageous & killing isn't it?, what should they do?,sit and accept it?,NO i guess. So, that's way different from hooliganism if you concur. Lasuites understand the power of bonding and love, "Stick together with love&trust, you achieve big", "Together we stand, divided we fall", that's the spirit. However, people also forget the fact that, LASU has the Best School of Medicine in Nigeria and the Best School of Law till date, also great professors like Prof Momoh(of pol science), Prof Abanikanda (of sciences), Prof Ajose & Prof Salau (formally in LASU Engineering Campus) and the likes of them. Also, I must not forget to mention this great personalities too: Olabanjo Mike Olusola, that recently got the first prize award at the Etiebet's CSC project exhibition with the project "e-memo" (used to communicate electronically), Issa Jubril & MKO Abiodun (ex-students from Engineering Campus that made an "e-voting project" two years ago, the project still very authentic and been used for elections in the school till date), there are several others, but I'll leave you to do the discovery yourself. LASU is indeed a great school i must say, they produce great people and not touts.
Now you should feel fly if you are a lasuite or once a lasuite, (graduated there or didn't finish), so long you've stepped your feet in lasu lecture rooms, you are a prodigy.
Greatest Lasuite!!!, Articulate Lasuite!!!, Ever Konigba Lasuite!!!,...God bless the prestigious school.
Comment if you are/were a proud lasuite, or free to argue if you are not/you don't agree
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