Friday, 18 March 2016

Russian Govt Scholarships for International Students in Russia, 2016-2017

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation offers Government scholarships for international students. Scholarships are available for bachelor, masters, postgraduate and postgraduate medical studies (internship, clinical residency).
Higher education overseas offers an opportunity for growth and development that only a few other experiences can provide so intensely.

Russia, having the highest literacy rate in the world (99,6%), is rightly proud of having one of the best education systems in the world.
Studies in Russian universities are carried out in Russian language. Knowledge of Russian language is essential for international students in Russia.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for bachelor, masters, postgraduate and postgraduate medical studies (internship, clinical residency).
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are offered in diverse fields to help students in upgrading their education.
Scholarship Award: The study of foreign citizens at Russian state universities is up to 80% subsidized by the Government of Russia, making it affordable (the average cost of an academic year, including accommodation in a student hostel, is 2500-4000 USD). Life and health insurance is obligatory for any foreign citizen arriving to the Russian Federation for studies. The cost of life and health insurance amounts from 160 USD to 250 USD for one year and depends on the chosen program of insurance.
Scholarship can be taken at: Russia

Eligibility:-Foreign citizens with insufficient knowledge of Russian have a right for education at pre-university preparatory departments and faculties of educational establishments on supplementary comprehensive programs.
-Candidates for training in areas of training (specialties) of “Art and Culture” must pass additional entrance examinations creative direction directly in the educational organization, which he plans to do. In this case, the specific duration of the additional entrance examinations creative direction established educational organization in the period from June 1 to August 1. Educational Institutions of Higher Education Ministry of Culture of Russia implement educational programs post-graduate studies. These programs are aimed at providing training and creative pedagogical personnel of higher qualification in the creative and performing arts majors in and are dedicated to teaching the most talented young people with education is not lower than higher education (specialty or MSc) in the field of arts. Training for these programs is carried out in full-time education.

Nationality: International students can apply for the scholarships.

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have document of complete secondary education for bachelor degree programme, Bachelor’s degree or a Specialist’s degree for masters degree programme, Master’s degree (with the course duration not less than 2 years) or a “Specialist’s degree” with the course duration not less than 5 years for Postgraduate and degree of higher medical /dental/pharmaceutical education for postgraduate medical studies (internship, clinical residency).
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirements: Studies in Russian universities are carried out in Russian language. In some specialties the training is also delivered in English (about 20 specialties) and French (general medicine, pharmacy). Candidates choosing the training in English or French must have an interview to check their language competency upon arrival. The results of international language tests (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, DALF, TCF etc.) are not required. Irrespective of medium of instruction, a Russian language course is an integral and important part of the curriculum. Knowledge of Russian language is essential for international students in Russia for everyday life, communication in and outside the university, and for comprehensive use of the millions of pieces of educational literature available throughout the whole period of study.

Supporting Material: Required documents are:
Application form (given by the RACUS representative in your country);
-Copy of your passport (pages with the photo, date of birth and passport expiry date);
Certificate of complete higher secondary education with academic transcript for undergraduate programs / higher education degree with academic transcript for postgraduate programs.

Application Deadline
: Applications for study on a foundation course are accepted from 1st March until 1st October and for main courses (first and subsequent years) are accepted from 1st March until 15th August of each year for passport-holders of visa-free countries and from 1st March until 15th July for passport holders of countries requiring a visa.

Mode of Application: Online

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